Anfeidrol fyth anfeidrol

(Effeithiau marwolaeth y groes - Rhan II/III)
Anfeidrol, fyth anfeidrol,
  Yw cariad Iesu gwiw;
A ddichon ei amgyffred,
  Rhaid fod ei hun yn Dduw;
Nid oes na sant na seraph,
  O'r ddaear faith i'r nef,
All ddweyd yn llawn am dano,
  Na'i berffaith gynnwys ef.

Rhyfeddol oedd y cariad
  At wael golledig ddyn;
Rhy fach o le i'w gynnwys
  Oedd mynwes Duw ei hun:
Fe redodd yn llifeiriol
  O'r nefoedd wen i lawr;
Mae fel y môr yn esgyn
  I'r nefoedd eto'n awr.

Un olwg ar yr Iesu
  Ar fynydd Calfari,
A dyr y galed galon
  Anfoddlon ynof sy;
Dystawa'r holl daranau,
  A'r bygythiadau gaed;
Fe gwymp euogrwydd pechod
  I waelod môr o waed.
David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu o Eryri) 1759-1822

Tonau [7676D]:
Llydaw (hen alaw Lydawig)
Mannheim (H L Hassler 1564-1612)
Mount Street (John Roberts 1822-77)

Rhan I - Pe buasai fil o fydoedd
Rhan I/II - Pwy ddyry im' falm o Gilead
Rhan III/IV - Gwell ganddo na halogi
Rhan IV/V - Mae'r fath feddyliau mawrion
Rhan V - 'N ol edrych ar ol edrych
Fe gododd Haul Cyfiawnder
Rhyfeddod oedd y cariad

(The effects of the death of the cross - Part 2/3)
Immeasurable, forever immeasurable,
  Is the love of worthy Jesus;
And sufficient to be grasped,
  That he himself must be God;
There is neither saint nor seraph,
  From the vast earth to heaven,
Who can tell fully about it,
  Nor its perfect contents.

Wonderful was the love
  Towards poor, lost man;
Too little of space to contain it
  Was the breast of God himself:
It ran streaming
  From the blessed heavens down;
It is like the sea ascending
  To the heavens still now.

One look upon Jesus
  On the mount of Calvary,
Will turn the hard, unwilling
  Heart which is in me;
All the thunderings will fall quiet,
  And the threats there are;
The guilt of sin shall fall
  To the bottom of a sea of blood.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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